Chicka- Chicka- Boom, Boom! TY to Bill, Laurie plus....

The next cartoon was found on Facebook by my FB friend, Bill Wilson! Loved it - THANKS BILL. He said it would be okay to use it. Little Hen is sooo cute! COUNTRY GOES "HIGH COUTURE" Found on Laurie Ray Fisher's Facebook page AND LOVED IT. She gave me permission to use it! I am a grateful person and I'm sharing it. Thought it worked with my COUNTRY THEME. One such hen grouping even had names. Their names were Shelley, Georgie, and Whitey. They were "City Slickers " and they lived in "haute couture" (a fancy place) They provided eggs for the family in a city. The suitable song is - DRUM ROLL PLEASE!- "Chicka- Chicka- Boom, Boom!" LOVE IT