
Showing posts from February, 2014


        Gala Evening of the   SASKATCHEWAN WRITERS' GUILD   Fall Conference 2013   Regina Center of the Arts BUT   PRAIRIE GAL "Nattering"  Quiet for   YOU! LOL! Looks serious - subject, "This is MY  spot! Got that Sheldon?" LOL

Three Sillies Caught - by cannibal wanting their skins for a canoe.

DUH CANNIBAL HAS CAUGHT HIS SUPPER! Duh Poor Captured Sillies quiver when Cannibal comes to them with a sword, pistol & fork.  He says, "Your skins will make good canoe BUT supper first! I cook & eat you then your skins build canoe.  Now, choose sword, pistol or fork to kill yourselves! I can't  stand the sight of blood" The first Silly chooses the sword and the second Silly chooses the pistol and the third Silly  gets the fork! Then duh Three Sillies wink at each other and put holes in their skins by sword, pistol and fork. Blood gushes. Duh cannibal asks, "Hey, what are you doing?" The three Sillies loudly shout, " Ha, cannibal! Holes in canoe!" Den duh three Sillies all fall down dead and duh canabal is left with their skins of holes! No winners here!