Here are drawn FLOWERS for your pleasure - maybe we should stick "paper flowers" in the garden until our real flowers grow! Just a thought but awfully tempting when the wind and weather are counterproductive for flowers~ AND MORE FLOWERS!! Drawn by BP Haddow, May 24, 2013 LATER - All the sweeter, eh? Song, "I'm Glad You Came!" by THE WANTED Thank you to the BAND and YOU TUBE! MAY FLOWERS? Not Yet! Just Got Rid of Snow! BE TOUGH! Here's Edvard Grieg's song, "HALL OF THE MOUNTAIN KING" Thank you to Edvard Grieg for the song and You Tube! Don't know where Spring went Feels like SUMMER without the heat! "Summer time and the living is easy!" The following video is from You Tube! The following gentleman, Sam Cooke, H as a smooth voice. Smooth as silk! Listen and enjoy! THANK YOU SAM COOKE! AMAZING VOICE!